Saturday 10 October 2015

SSC GD[4th oct morning paper]

                              General Knowledge and General Awareness

Try 2 solve

1. The cash reserve ratio is a tool of? Monetary Policy

2. When was the office of district collector created? 1772

3. The greatness of Sher Shah lies in his? Administrative Reforms

4. Name the first Indian to be be banned for using anabolic steroid in Olympic Games? T. Sammancha Chanu

5. The acid which fails to liberate carbon dioxide from sodium bi carbonate is ___ Acetic Acid

6. Dada bhai nairoji has described his theory of drain of wealth in the book? Poverty and un British rule in India

7. Who of the Delhi Sultans pursuade the policy of blood and iron? Balban

8. When water freezes its density is ____ Decrease

 9. The term URL used in internet technology stands for: Uniform Resource Locator

10. The smallest ocean is_______ Arctic

11. Oxide of sulphur present in atmosphere washed down by rains to cause___ lowering of ph of soil

12. The presence of pollutants in the environment is usually expressed in ppm where ppm stands for? Parts per million

13. Which of the following countries has brought out a stamp on Mother Teresa to celebrate her birth anniversary?  USA

14. Who established the "Sharda sadan", a school for indian widows in colonial India? Pandita Ram Bai

15. Democracy is a Government in which everyone has a share was the opinion of ___ Abraham Lincoin

16. How does the agriculture promote the Indian industrial development?  By supplying raw material, by providing food and clothing to laborers & by opening up market for industrial products

17. Economics classifies the man made instrument of production as? Labour

18. The first president of independent india was? Dr Rajendra Prasad

19. Who was the author of telugu work Amuktamalyada? Krishna Devaraya

20. The head quarter of united nation organization is located at ___ New York

21. Which of the following is an autotroph? Algae

22.  In B.C.G. vaccine C stands for? Calmette

23. Which of the following is non dimensional quantity? Strain

24. Chemical composition of heavy water is: D2O

25. The head quarter of world trade organization (WTO) is_____ Geneva Switzerland

                             Elementary Mathematics

1. 1008 divided by which single digit number gives a perfect square? 7

2. The mean proportion of 1.21 and 0.09 is? 0.33

3. A fruit merchant makes a profit of 25% by selling mangoes at a certain price. If he charges 1 Rs more on each mango, he would gain 50%. At first the price of one mango was? 4

4. 16 men are able to complete a piece of work in 12 days working 14 hours a day. How long will 28 men, working 12 hours a day, take to complete the work? 8days

 5. A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in 17th inning and thus increased his average by 3. Find his average after 17th inning? 39

6. A plane can cover 6000 Km in 8 hours, IF the speed is increased by 250km per hour, then the time taken by plane is to cover 9000km is? 9 Hours

7. Raja can do a piece of work in 20 days, while Ramesh can finish it in 25 days. ramesh started working and Raja joined him after 10 days. The whole work is completed in?  16 2/3

8. If the cost of an article is Rs P after two successive reductions of 20% and 25%, the original price of the article was? 5/3 P

9. The average of 1,3,5,7,9,11,... 25th terms is? 25

 10. In a college election a candidate secured 62% of the votes and is elected by margin of 144 votes. The total number of vote polled is? 600

11. A certain sum amounts to Rs 1725 at 15% per annum at simple interest and Rs 1800 in the same time at 20% per annum at simple interest. Find the Sum? 1500

12. An item was sold for Rs 3600 at 25% discount. Its marked price was? 4800

13. The value of square root of 0.000441 ? 0.021

14. A student starting from his house walks at a speed of 2.5 km per hour and reaches his school 6 minute late. Next day at the same time he increases his speed by 1 km per hour and reaches 6 minute early. The distance between his school and house is? 1 ¾

15. A seller increases the cost price of an article by 30% and fixed the marked price as Rs 286. But during sale he gave 10 % discount to the purchaser. Percentage of profit will be? 17

16.  A solid right prism made of iron has cross section of a triangle of sides 5cm, 10 cm, 13 cm and the height 10 cm. IF one cubic cm of iron weigh 7 gram, then weight of the prism is (approximately)? 1570.8 gram

 17. A right circular cone of height 20cm and base radius 15cm is melted and casted into smaller cones of equal sizes of height 5 cm and base radius 1.5 cm. The number of casted cones are- 400

18. A shopkeeper in order to clear his old stock of TV sets offers 12% discount on the T.V. sets. If the marked price of T.V. is Rs 6500, the selling price of the T.V. is? Rs 5720

19. The smallest number by which 243000 be divided so that the quotient is the perfect cube is? 9

20. A sum of Rs 800 becomes 956 in 3 years at a certain rate of simple interest. IF rate of interest is increased by 4%, what amount will the same sum become in 3 years? Rs 1552

21. Average income of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is Rs 200, and average income of ‘C’ and ‘D’ is 250. Then average income of A, B, C, D is? 225

22. A dealer marks his goods 20% above cost price and allows a discount of 10% to his customer. His gain percentage is? 8%

Try 2 solve and discuss queries 


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