Sunday 11 October 2015

HTET Schedule of Examination


Sr. NoDate of TestCategoryTimingDuration
Level-III10:30 AM 
01:00 PM
Two-and-a-half hour 
Level-I10:30 AM 
01:00 PM
Two-and-a-half hour
Level-II03:00 PM 
05:30 PM
Two-and-a-half hour

official link <click here>

· The candidates should be present at the Examination centre, as allotted in the admission card, at least an hour before the commencement of examination. No candidate would be allowed to enter the examination centre thereafter.

 The candidates should not bring any other paper except valid Admit Card.

 Candidates found using or attempting to use any unfair means shall stand disqualified, besides other punitive measures.

 No candidate shall be permitted to leave the examination centre earlier than the time fixed for the examination.

 Use of calculating devices is not allowed.

 Candidates must put their signatures twice on the attendance sheet in the presence of the Invigilator in the Examination Hall.

 Every Test Booklet has a serial number mentioned on the front page which the candidate must carefully write at the appropriate place on the Answer Sheet.

 The candidate must put his/her signature on the front page of the Test Booklet at the appropriate place.

 In case the candidate finds any defect in the Test Booklet; he/she should request the invigilator to change the same before writing any particulars.

 Answer Sheet must be returned to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall.

 The candidate must read the instructions given on the Answer Sheet carefully. A sample of the answer sheet is annexed (Annexure - II).

 Use only Black/Blue ball point pen strictly as per directions mentioned on the Answer Sheet.

 In case the candidate finds any defect in the answer sheet, he/she should request the Invigilator to change the same.

 Do not fold the Answer Sheet or make any stray marks or do any rough work on it.

 The candidate should fill in his/her Roll No. and Test Booklet No. printed on the front page of the Test Booklet in the proper blocks and darken the ovals (circles) with black/blue ball point pen only on the Answer Sheet.

 The candidate must put his/her signature with Black/Blue ball pen and append his/her thump impression (as per instructions) at the appropriate place on the Answer Sheet.

 Calculator/Mobile Phones and any other electronic items will not be allowed inside the Examination Centre. Even possession and not necessarily use shall be treated as use of unfair means and action shall be taken as per “Unfair means Regulations” of the Board. Criminal Proceedings may also be initiated.

 Answers to the questions are to be given by darkening the relevant oval (circle) completely with black/blue ball point pen only.

For those who has online exam: - 1. Official Audio tutorial in English <click here>
                                                      2. Official Audio tutorial in Hindi   <click here>

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