Tuesday 27 October 2015

[Indian Polity7]Target Naib Tehsildar

                      UNION / CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (1)

1. The President of Indian Union has the similar Constitutional authority as the ---- British Monarch

2. The Supreme Court of India was created by ---- The Constitution

3. The concept of Judicial Review has been borrowed from the Constitution of ------ Switzerland

4. The Seat of Supreme Court is ----- New Delhi

5. Can a retired judge be asked to sit in the Supreme Court? ---- Yes

6. The organ of the State which makes law is ---- Legislature

7. The organ of the State implement and execute laws is known as ----- Executive

8. ‘Legislate’ means ------ make law

9. ‘Natural Justice’ means ---- just, fair and reasonable action

10. What is not a function of judiciary? ------ Catching criminals and punishing them

11. Article 254 of the Constitution deals with ----- dominance of Union laws over State laws in case of any conflict between the two

12. Under the Indian Constitution, the subjects of administration have been divided into ------ Three lists

13. India is known as a Parliamentary Democracy because the ----- Executive is responsible to the Parliament

14. In Parliamentary form of Government, the council of Ministers is responsible to the ---- Parliament

15. The President of India is an integral part of the ----- Parliament

16. The Parliament may confer by law any functions on the authorities concerned except the ---- President

17. All the Executive powers and the Defence forces of the Union shall be vested in the ----- President

18. In India, Mandamus will lie against -------- Both Officers and Government

19. The power to establish new states in India rests with the ------ Parliament

20. When can the President refer a matter to the Supreme Court for its opinion? ----- When a matter is of public importance

21. The Supreme Court propounded ‘The Theory of Basic Structure of the Constitution’ in----- Keshavananda Bharti case

22. How many judges sat on the Bench to hear the landmark case of Keshavananda Bharti V/s State of Kerala in 1973? ---- 13

23. The Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not involve in ---- Disputes arising out of pre-constitution treaties and agreements

24. In India, the power of Judicial Review is enjoyed by the ----- Supreme Court only

25. The Chief Justice and other Judges of the High Court are appointed by the ----- President

26. In criminal matters, the highest court of appeal in a district is the ---- Court of Second Class Magistrate

27. A High Court for two or more States and or Union Territory may be established by ----- Law by Parliament

28. Golden Jubilee of Indian Parliament was celebrated on ------ 13.05.2002

29. Who is the integral part of the Indian Parliament? ------ President

30. Who represents the Nation but does not rule the Nation? ----- President

31. In the Presidential Election (Electoral College) ------ Parity between the Center and the States has been maintained

32. Indian Constitution has distributed the powers between the Center and _______. ------- States

33. Who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha? ----- The Vice President

34. The Speaker is elected by the Members of ________. ------ Lok Sabha

35. The President of India is ------ Elected

36. Who elects the President of India? ------ By Electoral College

37. How many times the President can seek re-election to his post? ----- Infinite times

38. Who acts as the President when neither the President nor the Vice President is available? ----- Chief Justice of India

39. In the Presidential Election in India, every elected member of the Legislative Assembly of a State shall have as many votes as there multiples of one ______ in the quotient obtained by dividing the population of the state by the total number of elected members of the assembly. ------ Thousand

40. A Bill for the purpose of altering the boundaries of any State shall be introduced in either of the House of the Parliament with the recommendation of the _______. ------------- President

41. Which is the Committee recommended for the Reorganization of States? ------- Fazal Ali

42. Which Act has been enacted by the Parliament by exercising its power under the Article 3 of the Constitution? --------- States Reorganization Act

43. States will be reorganized by the Parliament under the Article 3 of the Constitution on the --- Linguistic basis

44. A Bill for the purpose of reorganization of states shall be introduced in either of House of the Parliament with the prior approval of the ------ President

45. India opted for a Federal form of government on the ground of ----- Linguistic and Regional diversity

46. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces? ----- The President

47. What is the eligibility age and tenure of Office of President and Vice President? (in years) ----- 35 and 5

48. How many Anglo-Indian and other Members can be nominated by the President to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? ---- 2 and 12

49. How many States and Union Territories are there in our country? ----- 29 and 7

50. In which year, Delhi got the status of a State? ---- 1993

51. How many seats are reserved for the members of the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha? ---- 30

52. Which state became the 28th State of the Indian Union? ---- Jharkhand

53. Who will preside over the Joint Session of both the Houses of the Parliament? ---- Speaker

54. Which of the following appointments is not made by the President of the Indian Republic? ---- Speaker of Lok Sabha

55. The President will decide the question as to disqualification of the MPs in consultation with the ---- Election Commissioner

56. Which Article empowers the President to give his assent to Bills? ----- 111

57. Which Article authorizes the President to seek an advice from the Supreme Court? ----- 143

58. In a Federation, the source of power for the States is the ------ Constitution

59. How the Constitution of India has distributed the powers to different levels? ----- Concurrent List, Central List & State List

60. How many subjects are there in the Central, State and Concurrent Lists? ----- 97, 66 and 47

61. The Central, State and Concurrent Lists indicates division of ------ Legislative powers

62. Economic Planning is a subject in the ------ Concurrent List

63. Railways is a subject under ____ ------ Union List

64. Lotteries organized by the State Government come under _____ List. ------ State

65. Distribution of subjects between the Center and the States is enumerated under ____ Schedule. ------ 7th

66. Sarkaria Commission was appointed by the Government to report on ---- Center-State Relations

67. Planning in India derives its objectives from ------ DPSP

68. The other names for Rajya Sabha (Permanent Body) are ------ Upper House / House of States

69. The other names for Lok Sabha (Temporary Body) are ----- Lower House / House of People

70. The word ‘Parliament’ is derived from the French word ‘Parler’ which means ------ To talk

71. Parliament of India is composed of ------ Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and President

72. The first session of the Parliament after the General Election is ------ Mandatory

73. The first session of the Parliament is called as ______ Session. ------- Budget

74. Lok Sabha is superior to the Rajya Sabha because ----- (i) it can oust the Council of Ministers through a vote of no-confidence, (ii) it is directly elected & (iii) it alone controls the purse

75. How many MPs of Lok Sabha shall support a motion of ‘No Confidence’ in the government, before it can be admitted by the Speaker? ------ 50

76. Which house is described as ‘Knowledge House’? ------ Rajya Sabha

77. Composition and function of Rajya Sabha points towards ________ Character. ------ Federal

78. What is the method of electing members of Rajya Sabha from Union Territories? ----- as law laid down by the Parliament

79. The representation to the States in the Rajya Sabha is given by ------- in proportion to the State population

80. The President of India may from time to time ---- dissolve the Lok Sabha

81. The President and Governors are immune from ____ during their term of Office. ----- Civil liability

82. Which Article of the Constitution gives the protection to the President and Governors? ------ 361

83. To contest for the election of Lok Sabha, the person ---- should be citizen of India

84. An Ordinance promulgated by the President when one House is in session is ----- Valid

85. The Ordinance making power of the President is subjected to the control of the ----- Parliament

86. An Ordinance can be promulgated on the subject mentioned in ---- List I and List III

87. Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in ----- List I

88. State Legislature has exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter enumerated in ---- List II

89. If any matter is not enumerated either under the Concurrent List or under State List then who has the power to legislate on such matters? ------ Parliament only

90. Who has the power to make laws on the subjects enumerated under List III of 7th Schedule? ---- Both Parliament and State Legislature

91. A Resolution passed by the Rajya Sabha empowering the Parliament to legislate under List II on National interest should be supported by ----- Two-third members present and voting

92. Parliament has power to legislate under the State List on the ground of National Interest if ----- Rajya Sabha passes a Resolution to that effect

93. A Resolution passed by the Rajya Sabha empowering the Parliament to legislate under State List shall remain in force for a maximum period of ------ One year

94. Law made by the Parliament on any subject is ---- Uniformly applicable to all States

95. The law made by the Parliament ---- Cannot be declared as extra-territorial

96. If the law made by the Parliament is inconsistent with the law made by the State Legislature under the List III, which law has the effect? ----- Law made by the Parliament

97. A Fund which is utilized to meet the unforeseen expenditure is entitled as ----- Contingency Fund

98. The usual expenditure of the Government of India is charged from ------ Consolidated Fund
99. The Custody of Contingency Fund of India is with the ------ President

100. What is the term of the Parliamentary Committees appointed by the President? ------- One year

101. A Select or Joint Committee of the two Houses of a Parliament is formed by ---- Speaker of the Lok Sabha

102. Which of the following Committees of the Parliament has the largest membership? ------ Estimate Committee

103. Parliament Standing Committee for scrutiny of grants of various ministries comprises of ----- 30 members of Lok Sabha and 15 members of Rajya Sabha

104. The Parliamentary Subject Committees (Number of Committees: 17) were introduced in 1993 on the recommendation of the ----- Rules Committee of the House

105. The main advantage of the Standing Committee is the ----- Parliament is able to examine the grants of all ministries and departments in detail

106. One of the main advantages of the Standing Committee is ------ MPs of Rajya Sabha are able to exercise indirect control over financial matters

107. The Standing Committee, apart from examining the grant of all Ministries and Departments, are able to examine----- Long-term policies, Bills of technical nature & Annual reports of Ministries and Departments

108. When an advance grant is made by Parliament pending regular passage of the Budget, it is called ----- Vote of Account

109. Who is having the power to summon and dissolve the House of Parliament (LS)? ------ President

110. Which Budget will be proposed first in the Parliament House? ----- Railway

111. Usually, General Budget is presented to the Parliament on ----- Last day of February

112. The first session of the year commences with the address by the ______ in the Parliament. ---- President

113. The first hour of every sitting in both the Houses of Parliament is devoted to ----- Question Hour

114. What are the timings followed for the Question Hour in the Parliament House? ----- 11 to 12

115. What are the timings followed for the Zero Hour in the Parliament House? ----- 12 to 1

116. The maximum duration of the Zero Hour (in minutes) in Lok Sabha can be ---- 60 mint

117. Zero Hour is ---- The period immediately following the Question Hour when the Members voice their concerns on various matters of public importance

118. The immediate hour after the Question Hour in Lok Sabha is called as ----- Zero Hour

119. Who presides over the joint sessions of Parliament? ------ Speaker

120. What is the minimum age in years for becoming the MP at Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? ----- 25 and 30

121. Which of the following shall not be introduced in the Rajya Sabha? ----- Money Bill

122. The system of Impeachment of the President is borrowed from the Constitution of ------ Britain

123. Who can be removed for violation of Constitution by a process called as Impeachment Motion? -----President

124. The seat of a MP may be declared vacant, if he / she is, without the permission of the House absent from the meeting of that House for a period of ______ days. ----- 60

125. Till now, any President has been removed under the Motion of Impeachment? ---- No

126. Under which Article of the Indian Constitution can the President be impeached? ---- 61

127. Impeachment proceedings against the President shall be initiated in ----- Either of the Houses

128. The ground for the Impeachment of President is ---- violation of the Constitution

129. The Indian President can be impeached by the Parliament if ----- He is charged with the violation of the Constitution

130. Which one of the following takes part in the election of the President but has no role in his impeachment? ------ State Legislative Assemblies

131. The salary / emoluments of which of the following is exempted from Income Tax? ---- President

132. Which one of the following statements is correct? ----- President is not a part of Council of Ministers and hence not permitted to attend its meetings

133. A Bill presented in the Parliament becomes an Act after ----- The President has given his assent

134. Who occupied the President’s Office twice (two consecutive terms) in our country? ----- Rajendra Prasad

135. Veto is the power of the ________ to withhold or refuse assent to Legislation. ----- Executive

136. Vice President of India draws salary in the designation of ------ Chairman of Rajya Sabha

137. Who will elect the Vice President of India? ------ MP (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha)

138. Full form of PIL is ------ Public Interest Litigation

139. PIL can be resorted to in case of injury due to ----- Violation of a constitutional provision, Breach of any public duty & Violation of the law

140. The Concept of Public Interest Litigation, which has become more popular in India in recent years, originated in ---- UK


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