Thursday 1 October 2015

[HISTORY3] Target Naib Tehsildar

              Vedic Age (1500 BC-1000 BC)
Aryans first appeared in Iran and a little later than 1500 BC they appeared in India.Kassite Inscription of about 1600 BC and Mittani Inscription of 1400 BC found in Iraq bear some Aryan names, which suggest that from Iran a branch of Aryans moved towards west. The Rig Veda has many things in common with the Avesta - the oldest text in Iranian language. Rig Veda is the earliest specimen of any Indo-European language.

According to Rig Veda, early Aryans first settled in the region called ‘Sapta-Sindhava’ or the land of seven rivers encompassing the present East Afghanistan, Punjab and Western UP Early Aryans were semi-nomadic and kept large herds of cattle.

The original home of Aryans has been figured out by different scholars as follows:
Max Muller – Central Asia
Swami Dayanand Saraswati – Tibet
Mayor – Pamir’s
Hurz Feld – Turkistan
J C Rod – Bactria
Bal Gangadhar Tilak – Polar Regions

                                      Rivers Mentioned in Rig Veda

Old Name
Modern Name

Savitri- The famous Gayatri mantra is addressed to Savitri.
Pusan- His main function was that of guarding of roads, herdsmen and cattle.
Vishnu-  A relatively minor God at that time.
Aditi – Goddess of Eternity
Gandhrava – Divine Musicians

Rigvedic Gods:- Indra, Varuna, Agni, Yama, Soma

Later Vedic Gods:- India and Varuna lost their previous importance and Prajapati attained the Supreme position.
 Rudra and Vishnu became more important than before.
 Pushan became the God of Shudras.

Vayu- Wind God
Dyaus- Father of Heaven
Aditi- Mother of Surya
Morals- Storm spirits
Gandharvas- Divine musicians
Ashvins- Healers of diseases and experts in surgical art
Ribhus- Gnomes
Apsoras- Mistresses of Gods.
Rudra- An archer God, whose arose brought disease

Vishnu, which in later Hindu mythology has become a name of the Supreme Preserver of all beings, was a name of the sun in the Vedic age.
The rising sun, the sun at Zenith, and the setting sun were considered the three steps of Vishnu striding across limitless space.

The chief was the protector of the tribe or Jana.
Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata and Gana were the tribal Assemblies. Of these, Vidhata was the oldest.

Usha-Goddess of dawn.
Aditi-Mother of Gods.
Prithivi-Earth Goddess.
Aryani-Forest Goddess
Saraswati-The River deity.

Types of Marriage:- 
i) Brahma: Marriage of a duly dowered girl to a man of the same class.
ii) Daiva: The father gives a daughter to a sacrificial priest as a part of his fee.
iii) Arsa: A token bride-price of a cow and a bull is given in place of the dowry.
iv) Prajapatya: The father gives the girl without dowry and without demanding the bride-price.
v) Gandharva: Marriage by the consent of the two parties (love marriage).
vi) Asura: Marriage in which the bride was bought from her father. It was
looked down upon with disfavour by all sacred texts, though Arthashastra allows it without criticism.
vii) Rakshasa: Marriage by capture was practised especially by warriors.
viii) Paishacha: Marriage by seduction.

Administrative Officers:- 
Purohita- Chief priest
Senani- The leader of the army.
Vrajapati- Officer who enjoyed authority over pasture ground.
Kulapas-  Heads of families led by Vrajapati.
Gramini- Head of fitting hordes under Vrajapati.

Metal Knowns:-
Gold- Hiranya
Iron- Shyama (Krishna Ayas)
Copper- Ayas


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