Saturday 31 October 2015

[Indian Polity8]Target Naib Tehsildar

                      UNION / CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (2)

1. Who has the power to pardon in case of capital punishment? ---- President

2. Which Article empowers the President to grant pardon? ----72

3. The pardoning power shall be exercised by the President on the advice of the ----- Home Minister

4. Who is authorized to transfer the judge of one High Court to another High Court? ---- President

5. Which Constitutional post(s) is / are enjoyed for a fixed term? ----- President

6. The Constitution of India vests the executive powers of the Union Government in ----- President

7. Which Article empowers the President to appoint Prime Minister of India? ---- 74

8. Joint Session of Parliament was held in ----(i) Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance, 2002, (ii) Dowry Prohibition Bill, 1961 & (iii) Banking Service Commission Bill, 1978

9. Joint Sittings of the two Houses of Parliament are hold for ---- Resolution of deadlock between the two Houses on a non-money Bill

10. The House of People (Lok Sabha) can be adjourned sine-die by the ----- Speaker

11. The President of India is the ----- Head of State

12. The President of India is ----- Elected through Electoral college

13. The President holds Office for a term of five years ----- from the date on which he / she enters upon the Office

14. The practice of President addressing Parliament has been adopted from Constitution of ---- UK

15. Who does not take part in the election of the President? ----- Members-Legislative Councils

16. The name of the candidate for the Office of the President of India has to be proposed by ------- any 50 members of the Electoral College

17. Who was the first President of the Indian Republic? ----- Rajendra Prasad

18. Who enjoys the distinction of being the first Muslim President of India? ----- Zakir Hussain

19. Which political leader successfully held the Office of the Chief Minister, Speaker of Lok Sabha and President of India? ----- Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

20. Which Chief Justice of India enjoys the distinction of having acted as President of India? ----- Justice M. Hidayatullah

21. The election of the Office of the President is conducted by ---- Election Commission

22. Before entering upon Office, the President has to take an oath or an affirmation, which is administered by ------- Chief Justice of India

23. The procedure for the election of the President of India can be modified through an Amendment in the Constitution which must be passed by ----- two-thirds majority by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and be ratified by the Legislatures of at least half of the states

24. To amend the Constitution to change the procedure of election of the President of India, the Bill has to be passed by ----- Special majority, ratified by more than half of the States

25. The President can nominate two members of the Lok Sabha to give representation to ---- Anglo-Indians

26. The President, the Head of the State under the Parliamentary system prevailing in India, enjoys ----- only nominal powers

27. The final authority to make a Proclamation of Emergency rests with ----- President

28. The President can grant pardon in ---- (i) All cases of punishment by court martial, (ii) All cases involving death sentence & (iii) All offences against laws in the union and concurrent lists

29. The President of India is not having ----- Power to control Judiciary

30. Which financial powers are enjoyed by the President? ----- (i) Money Bills can be introduced in the Parliament, (ii) The President appoints a Finance Commission to recommend the distribution of taxes between Union and State Governments & (iii) The President can advance money out of the Contingency Fund of India

31. The President can make laws through ordinances ------ during the recess of the Parliament

32. Where are disputes regarding election of President and Vice President filed and settled? ----- Supreme Court

33. If the President wants to tender the resignation before expiry of normal term, he / she has to address the same to ---- Vice President

34. The President of India is elected by ------ Elected MLAs and MPs

35. To be eligible (age in years) for appointment as President, a candidate must be ---- over 35

36. When does the President use his discretion in appointing the Prime Minister? ----- When no political party enjoys majority in Lok Sabha

37. The Constitution prohibits enacting retrospectively ---- Laws relating to the election of the President

38. What is the maximum age (in years) for election to the Office of the President? ------ No age limit

39. President can be impeached from Office on grounds of violating the Constitution by ----- Two Houses of Parliament

40. Impeachment proceedings against the President of India can be initiated ----- in either of the Parliament

41. Impeachments proceedings can be initiated against the President in either of House of Parliament only if a resolution signed by _______ members of the House is moved. ------ 25% of total

42. This is not the legislative power of the President ------- to grant pardon

43. When the election of the President is declared void, all acts done by the President in the performance of the duties of his Office before the date of decision become ------- valid

44. In the event of death or resignation of the President, the Vice President discharges the duties of the office of President ----- For a maximum period of six months

45. In case the Vice President is not available to discharge the duties of the Office of President, which official discharges these duties? ------ Chief Justice of India

46. Which Official discharges the duties of the President, if both the President and Vice President are not available? ------- Chief Justice of India

47. If the Office of the President, Vice President and Chief Justice of India falls vacant simultaneously, who succeeds to the Office of the President? ------ Next Senior-most Judge of the Supreme Court

48. When the Office of the President falls vacant, the same must be filled within ----- six

49. Who is legally competent to declare war or conclude peace? ----- President

50. After a Bill has been passed by Parliament and sent to the President for his consideration ----- He can sent it back for reconsideration

51. The President can make laws through ordinances ------ During the recess of Parliament

52. Ordinance is promulgated by the ------ President

53. What financial power is enjoyed by the President? ------ (i) Certain Money Bills can originate in Parliament only on the recommendation of the President, (ii) Only on the recommendation of the Governor & (iii) He can appoint Finance Commission to recommend the distribution of taxes between Union and State Governments

54. The President of India made use of his / her veto power only once in the ------ Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill

55. An ordinance promulgated by the President usually remains in force for ------- six weeks after the commencement of the next session of the Parliament

56. The President can promulgate an ordinance only when ------ the Parliament is not in session

57. Proclamation of President’s Rule in a state can be made ------- if the President, on receipt of a report from the Governor of a State or otherwise is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution

58. The President can dismiss a member of the Council of Ministers on the ----- recommendation of the Prime Minister

59. The Presidential Address is prepared by ------ The Prime Minister and his / her Cabinet

60. President of India appoints ----- 1. State Governors, 2. Chief Justice and Judges of High Courts, 3. Chief Justice and Judges of Supreme Court

61. The President of India is elected on the basis of ---- Proportional representation by single-transferable vote

62. Who will appoint the Attorney General of India? ------ President

63. The Vice President of India is ------ Elected by MPs (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) at a joint sitting

64. Vice President of India can be removed from Office before expiry of his / her term by ----- Two Houses of Parliament

65. The Vice President of India discharges the duties of President in the event ---- (i) His death, (ii) His resignation & (iii) His absence due to illness

66. The Vice President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of the ----- Rajya Sabha

67. Who decides disputes regarding the election of the Vice President? ------ Supreme Court

68. The Vice President discharges the duties of the President during his / her illness for a maximum period of ----- Indefinitely

69. When the Vice President discharges duties of Office of President, he is entitled to ----- Salary and allowances attached to the President’s Office

70. The Vice President has ----- Right to preside over Rajya Sabha

71. No criminal proceedings shall be instituted during his term of Office against the ------ Vice President

72. Which Vice President(s) resigned from his Office to contest for the Office of the President? ------- VV Giri

73. Who Vice President of India for two full terms? ----- Radhakrishnan

74. Who became President of India without serving as Vice President? ------ Sanjeeva Reddy

75. Who is the first Chief Justice to be appointed as acting President of India? ----- Hidayatullah

76. Which Article provides that there shall be the Prime Minister of India? ------ 74

77. The Prime Minister is ------ Head of Government

78. The Office of the Prime Minister ------ has been created by the Constitution

79. The Prime Minister is ----- appointed by the President

80. Who is the real Executive under the Indian Constitution? ------- Prime Minister

81. Who is considered as the Chief Spokesperson (Spokesman) of the Union Government? ------- Prime Minister

82. Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission and National Development Council? ----- P M

83. Generally, the Prime Minister is ------ Leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha

84. The Prime Minister holds Office ------- As long as he enjoys confidence of Parliament

85. Generally the Prime Minister is ----- Member of Lok Sabha

86. Who announces the Government policies on the floor of the House? ------ Prime Minister

87. Who recommends for the dissolution of Lok Sabha? ----- Prime Minister

88. Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers? ----- Prime Minister

89. Who acts as the channel of communication between the President and Council of Ministers? ---PM

90. Who is the key stone of the Indian Constitution? ----- Prime Minister

91. Who describes the Prime Minister of India as ‘Primus Inter Pares’ (first among equals)? ----- Lord Morely

92. The members of Council of Ministers are appointed by the ---- President on the advice of the Prime Minister

93. A person can be member of the Council of Ministers without being a MP for a maximum period of ___ months. ----- six

94. Who enjoys distinction of having been the Prime Minister of India for longest duration? ---- Indira Gandhi

95. Which State of India has contributed the maximum Prime Ministers? ----- Uttar Pradesh

96. Maximum number of ‘No Confidence Motion’ were admitted and discussed during the 
Prime Ministership of ------ P. V. Narasimha Rao

97. The first Prime Minister of India was appointed by the ------ Governor General

98. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ------ is an extra-constitutional growth

99. Indian Constitution is silent on the concept of ---- Deputy Prime Minister

100. Who enjoys the distinction of being the first Deputy Prime Minister of India? ----- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

101. Lal Krishnan Advani is the ______ Deputy Prime Minister. ------ 7th

102. The Prime Minister of India ------ has full discretion in the choice of persons who are to serve as Ministers in his Cabinet

103. Who enjoys the distinction of being the first recognized Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha? ---- Y. B. Chavan

104. A political party is accorded status of an Opposition Party in Lok Sabha if it captures at least ----- 10% of seats

105. ‘Collective Responsibility of the Cabinet’ means all Ministers are collectively responsible to (OR) The Union Council of Ministers are responsible to ------ Lok Sabha

106. Who enforces collective responsibility amongst the Council of Ministers? ----- Prime Minister

107. The phrase under the Article 74 “There shall be Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister is its Head” is ------ Mandatory

108. Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers? ------ Prime Minister

109. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to ------ Parliament

110. Who allocates portfolios among the Council of Ministers? ----- President on the recommendation of Prime Minister

111. A member of Council of Ministers can be dismissed by the President ------ on the recommendation of the Prime Minister

112. The vote of ‘No confidence’ is passed against a Minister ----- The whole Council of Ministers has to resign

113. Though the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Parliament, the individual Ministers are responsible to ------- President

114. The President of India is removed from Office by ------- Impeachment

115. The President of India is not bound by the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers in the matter of appointment of ------ Union Ministers

116. The Parliament of India consists of ------ President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

117. Members of the Lok Sabha are ------ Directly elected by the people

118. How many seats have been reserved for the Union Territories in the Lok Sabha? ----- 20

119. The number of Ministers in the Central Government is fixed by the ----- Parliament

120. Seats are allocated to the various States in the Lok Sabha on the basis of ----- their population

121. Which house can initiate an amendment to the Indian Constitution? ------- Either House of Parliament

122. Which State sends the maximum representatives to the Lok Sabha? ----- Uttar Pradesh

123. The 42nd Amendment rose the term of the Lok Sabha for _____ years. ------- six

124. The term of Lok Sabha can be extended beyond its normal term of five years by the ----- President during National Emergency only

125. The President can extend the life of the Lok Sabha during a National Emergency in the first instance for a period of ______ months. ----- one

126. The Rajya Sabha can be dissolved by -------- Cannot be dissolved

127. The continuation of National Emergency beyond a period of six months is possible only with the approval of ------- Parliament by special majority

128. What is the maximum gap in months permissible between two sessions of Parliament? ---- Six

129. Who can dissolve the Lok Sabha before the expiry of its normal term of five years? ------ President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister

130. What do you mean by a ‘Hung Parliament’? ------ A Parliament in which no party has a clear majority

131. The President can call a joint session of the two Houses of Parliament. ----- (i) If the House does not take any decision for six months on a Bill remitted by the other, (ii) If a Bill
passed by one House is rejected by the other & (iii) If the Amendment proposed to a Bill by one House is not acceptable to the other

132. In the Rajya Sabha, the States have been provided ----- Representation on the basis of population

133. The maximum number of representatives are sent to the Rajya Sabha by ------ Uttar Pradesh

134. The members of Rajya Sabha shall be elected by ------ MLAs

135. Who reserves the right to convene joint sessions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? ----- President

136. Representatives of the Union Territories in the Rajya Sabha shall be chosen by the ----- Parliament

137. Which one of the following is not a Central tax? ------ Sales Tax

138. A Money Bill can originate ------ Only in the Lok Sabha

139. Which Bill can be introduced in the Parliament only with the prior approval of the President? ----- Money Bills

140. A Bill for which the President is bound to give his assent without sending it back for fresh consideration is ------- Money Bill

141. Which Bill must be passed by each House of the Indian Parliament separately, by special majority? ------ Constitution Amendment Bill

142. How many times the President can return a Non-Money Bill, passed by the Parliament for its consideration? ----- Once 


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