Sunday 13 September 2015

[Indian Polity]Target Naib Tehsildar

Communal Award
In August 1932, Ramsay MacDonald, the British Prime Minister, announced a scheme of representation of the minorities

The Government of India Act of 1919 was thus enacted, which came into force in 1921. This Act is also known as Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms (Montagu was the Secretary of State for India and Lord Chelmsford was the Viceroy of India)

Simon Commission
In November 1927 itself (i.e., 2 years before the schedule), the British Government announced the appointment a seven-member statutory commission. The commission submitted its report in 1930.
 Government of India Act of 1935
                The Act marked a second milestone towards a completely responsible       government in India. It was a lengthy and detailed document having 321 Sections and 10 Schedules.


  • India got freedom as a result of Mountbatten Plan which is also known as 3June Plan.
  • The British East India company was launchedin 1600 for trade in spices.
  • Government of India Act 1858.:- passed on 2nd August 1858.
  • Legal status of Princely status comes under the “Interpretation Act 1889”
  • Pondicherry control by France while Goa was under control of Portugal.
  • Government of India offered Standstill agreement to the government of Hyderabad assuring that status quo would be maintained and no use of force would be taken.
  • When the constitution of India was adopted by the constitution assembly, the states were in four parts.
  • JVP committee (Jawaharlal –Vallabhbhai Patel –Pattabhi Sitaramaiya ) was formed in 1948.
  • Dhar commission under the chairmanship ofJustice S N Dhar on, June 17, 1948
  • India’s first state on linguistic basis- Andhra state on October 1, 1953
  • State Reorganization Act, passed on 1 November 1956.
  • Nagaland -1961 (created)
  • Haryana from Punjab – 1966
  • Himachal Pradesh- 1970
  • Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya – 1971
  • Sikkim -1975
  • Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Goa – 1987

                                    Constitution of India
                      Part 1- Union & its Territories article (1-4)
Article 1- Name & Territory of the Union
(1)  India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of states.
Article 2- Admission  or establishment of new state
Sikkim associated under article 2A bconstitution (36th Amendment) Act, 1975
Article 3- Formation of new state, alteration of boundries, area or name of existing state
For e.g. Orissa became Odisha
Article 4-  laws made under articles 2 & 3 are not to be considered as amedments of constitution under article 368.
                         Part II- Citizenship Article (5-11)
Article 5- Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.
Ordinary citizen of India since or before 26 January 1945

Article 6- Citizenship right of certain persons who migrated to India from Pakistan.
Category 1- who came before July 19, 1948 will automatically be citizen of India
Category 2- who came after July 19, 1948 have to follow some norms

Article7- Rights of citizenship of certain migrants to Pakistan.
A person who is desiring to return back to India with an intention to permanently reside was required to get a separate permit

Article8- Rights of citizenship of persons of Indian origin residing outside India.
According to government of India Act, 1935

Article 9- Persons voluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign state not to be citizens.

Article10- Continuance of the rights of citizenship.
According to any law made by government

Article11-Parliament to regulate the right of citizenship by law

The Citizenship Act, 1955


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