Sunday 20 September 2015

[Important Terms]Target Naib Tehsildar

Jamabandi (Record of Rights)
It is a document prepared as part of Record-Of-Right in every Revenue estate. It contains entries regarding ownership, cultivation and Up-To-Date of various rights in land. It is revised every five years when a jamabandi is prepared by patwari and attested by revenue officer.

Mutation Register
Mutation indicates the changes that have to be brought about in ownership and title of the land. It contains the information about the Khewat of last Jamabandi. There are many types of mutations but the main types includes Sale, Gift, Mortgage with Possession, Mortgage
without Possession, Exchange, Mutation of changes in ownership based on civil court decrees, Mutation of inheritance, Partition, Land term leases, Redemption of Mortgage.

Khasra Girdawari
It is a register of harvest inspections. The patwari conducts field to field harvest inspections every six months in the month of October and March. . The document is retained in custody of patwari for a period of 12 years after which it is also to be retrieved from him and destroyed.

Shajra Nasab
Prepared in every estate at the time of settlement and forming a part Of Record-Of-Right. Sharja Nasab is pedigree table showing succession to ownership rights occurring from time to time in the estate. It is kept permanently in Tehsil or District Record Room.

Latha (Field Book)
Popularly named as Shajra. Patwari keeps a copy of the Shajra on cloth Called ‘Latha’. It gives survey numbers and dimension of a field; Now-A-Days usually prepared on the scale 40 Karam to One Inch.

Roznamcha Waqiati
It is a diary of daily incidents maintained by the patwari under executive instructions issued from time to time. Patwari makes an entry for each day mentioning briefly the facts relating to rainfall, hailstorms and other natural calamities. The diary for the year is started in the month of September/October every year.

Lal Qitab (Village Note Book)
A separate note-book is maintained for each revenue estate wherein statistics of a village is maintained. It contains number of statements including crop grown in the estate, soil classifications, area under crops, land use, transfers in land, wells and other means of irrigantion in the village and abstract of live stocks and cattle census in the village.

Rainfall Register
The register contains entries of rainfall as observed by office Kanungo from rain gauge at Tehsil headquarter. It is a valuable source of information regarding statistics of rainfall over a period. It is retained for a period of three years in the tehsil at district head quarter.

Current Prices Register
This register contains a statement of fortnightly retail prices of principal food-grains and is marinated at tehsil and at district. It is valuable source of information for statistics regarding prices prevailing over a period. It is retained for three years and then destroyed.

Muntakhib Asamiwir

A statement of proprietors and tenants holdings with a detail of fields and a note of rent paid to each.


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