Sunday 27 September 2015

[HISTORY2] Target Naib Tehsildar

                   Indus Valley Civilization(2500 BC • 1500 BC)

It was a highly developed civilization and derived its name from the main river of that region— Indus. The cities were far more advanced than their counterparts in prehistoric Egypt, Mesopotamia or anywhere else in Western Asia.
Cultures that preceded Harappan culture are pre-Harappan, while proto-Harappan cultures are those pre-Harappan cultures which have some close similarities with the Harappan culture.

                                                            Important Discoveries
         Discovered by
 Dayaram Sahni
 R. D. Banerjee
 R. L. Staine
 N. G. Majumdar
 M. Vats
 A. Ghosh
 Y. D. Sharma
 S. R. Rao
 R. S. Bisht

                                        Sources of Materials

 Afghanistan, Persia,Karnataka
 Afghanistan, Iran
 Baluchistan & Khetri(Rajasthan)
 Afghanistan. Central Asia
 Western India
  Rajasthan, South India, Afghanistan,  Iran
 Lazuli Badakashan (N. Afghanistan)
 Central Asia, Iran
 Maharashtra Jade,Central Asia

  • Harappan script is regarded as pictographic since its signs represent birds, fish and a variety of human forms. The script was boustrophedon and written from right to left in one line and then from left to right in the next line. The language of the Harappans is still unknown.

  • Harappan people used different types of pottery such as glazed, polychrome, incised, perforated and knobbed. The glazed Harappan pottery is the earliest example of its kind in the ancient world.

  • Unicorn is the animal most frequently represented on the seals.

  • The chief male deity was the Pashupati Mahadeva (proto-Siva), represented in seals as sitting in a yogic posture on a low throne, and having three faces and two horns. He is surrounded by lour animals (elephant, tiger, rhino and buffalo), each lacing a different direction, and two deer appear at his feel.
  • The chief female deity was the Mother Goddess, who has been depicted in various forms

  • Indus people also worshipped Gods in the form of trees (piapal, etc.) and animals (unicorn etc), worship of fire, believe in god and ghost.

RakhiGarhi discovered  in Jeend (Haryana) by Rafeeq Mugal.

Mohenjodaro -It is the largest of all Indus cities.

Dholavira- It is the latest and one of the two largest Harappan settlements in India, the other being Rakhigarhi in Haryana.

Lothal- Only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard. Lothal has evidence for the earliest cultivation of rice.


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