Monday 22 February 2016

THE HINDU: Delivering on Make in India

In  its  last  18  months,  the  UPA  government  faced  up  to  an  economic reality:  new  investments  had  come  to  a  halt  and  projects  worth  lakhs of  crores  of  rupees  caught  in  red  tape  were  turning  unviable,  posing a  threat  to  banks  that  had  lent  for  them.  The  then  Prime  Minister, Manmohan  Singh,  heeded  Finance  Minister  P.  Chidambaram’s concern  about  the  impact  on  public  sector  banks  if  these  projects were  not  brought  back  on  track  through  high-level  intervention.  When the  NDA  government  assumed  office,  it  found  that  the  mechanism that  Dr.  Singh  had  approved  to  fix  the  problem  —  a  project  monitoring group  in  the  Cabinet  Secretariat  to  steer  around  roadblocks  to  bigticket  manufacturing  and  infrastructure  projects  —  had  helped  clear projects  worth  Rs.6.5  lakh  crore.  In  June  2014,  the  Prime  Minister’s Office  asked  the  group  to  ascertain  if  the  projects  it  had  helped  had begun  operations.
 The  PMO  wanted  to  know  if  more  chimneys  were billowing  smoke,  if  production  was  going  up  and  jobs  were  being created  on  the  ground.  Three  months  later,  the  government launched  its  Make  in  India  programme  to  encourage  the  world  to use  the  country  as  a  global  production  hub.  It  promised  reforms  on norms  for  foreign  direct  investment  —  many  of  which  it  subsequently delivered  —  and  a  fix  for  problems  that  gave  the  country  a  poor reputation  among  foreigners,  including  unpredictable  tax  policies  and a difficult  regulatory  environment.

Over  the  last  week,  about  1,000  CEOs  and  4,000  delegates representing  2,000  overseas  firms  were  in  Mumbai  at  a  glitzy event  to  showcase  Make  in  India,  which  Prime  Minister  Narendra Modi  presented  as  the  biggest  brand  to  emerge  from  the  country.  He said  India  was  adding  deregulation  to  its  strengths  of  democracy, demography  and  demand,  and  promised  to  end  retrospective taxation  that  had  spooked  investors  during  the  UPA  rule.  The Industries  Ministry  has  claimed  that  Rs.15.2-lakh  crore  worth  of investments  were  committed  at  the  event.  These  include  some  by foreign  firms  such  as  Oracle  (Rs.2,749  crore)  and  Ascendas  (Rs.4,571 crore),  but  the  list  is  dominated  by  Indian  players  making announcements  to  coincide  with  the  occasion,  including  a  Rs.6,204crore  project  by  public  sector  undertaking  Rashtriya  Chemicals  and Fertilizers.  Instead  of  doubting  the  numbers,  it  may  be  more  pertinent to  focus  on  two  other  developments  of  the  week.  Authorities  served Vodafone  a  reminder  for  tax,  which  warned  of  asset  seizure  in  case of  failure  to  pay  the  dues,  prompting  a  sharp  reaction  from  the  British firm.  It  also  emerged  that  Foxconn  was  yet  to  follow  through  on  a  $5billion  investment  it  had  announced  in  Maharashtra  last  August.  To capitalise  on  the  success  of  Make  in  India,  the  government  must  now show  sustained  improvement  on  the  ease  of  doing  business  and create  a  transparent  and  stable  tax  environment  to  prove  it  is  capable of  delivering  on  its  intent.  It  should  use  the  same  yardstick  to measure  Make  in  India’s  success  as  it  did  for  the  earlier  stalled projects:  would  products  start  rolling  out  of  factory  gates  anytime soon?
Words with Hindi

Red tape: दफ्तरशाही  needlessly time consuming bureaucratic procedure

Heed: ध्यान दिलाना to pay attention to

Roadblock: मार्ग-रोक something that stops progress

Billow: तरंगित होना large waves

Glitzy: भड़कीला extravagent showing

Demography: जनसांख्यिकी विज्ञान study of human population

Retrospective: पूर्वव्यापी अतितलक्षी effective from past

Spook: डरना डराना to scare or frighten

Pertinent: प्रासंगिक उपयुक्त relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed


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