Wednesday 11 November 2015

[Indian Polity9]Target Naib Tehsildar

                                UNION / CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (3)

1. A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha can be delayed by the Rajya Sabha for a maximum period of ---14 days

2. Which Bill is presented to the Parliament along with Budget? ----- Finance Bill and Appropriation Bill

3. Salary of which one of the Officials is not charged on the Consolidated Fund of India? ---- Prime Minister

4. The Prime Minister acts as a channel of communication between ------- Ministry and President

5. Cabinet Ministers has to tender its resignation if a no-confidence vote is passed against it by ---- Lok Sabha

6. In which system, the government can be removed by way of ‘No Confidence Motion’? ----- Parliamentary

7. Who will determine the rank of different Ministers in Union and State Council of Ministers? ------ Prime Minister and Chief Minister

8. Which power is exclusively vested in the Rajya Sabha? ----- To recommend the creation of new All India Services

9. Who is the first woman film star nominated or elected to Rajya Sabha? ----- Nargis Dutt

10. No taxes can be levied or expenditure incurred without the approval of the ----- Parliament

11. Who decides disputes regarding the disqualification of MPs? ------ The President in consultation with Election Commission

12. Election to the Lok Sabha could not be held in Punjab in December 1984 due to ----- Uncertainties created by growing terrorist activities

13. Who decides whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not? (OR) If any question arises whether a Bill is Money Bill or not, the decision of the _____ is final. ----- Speaker

14. All Money Bills can be introduced ----- in Lok Sabha only

15. Who is the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha who died in Office? ----- G.M.C. Balayogi

16. Who presides over the Lok Sabha if neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker is available? ----- A Member appointed by President

17. If there is a disagreement between the two Houses of the Parliament on any particular Bill ---- A Joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament is convened

18. In the Indian Constitution, the Budget is referred as ------- Annual Financial Statement

19. During the discussions in Parliament, ‘Guillotine’ applies to ------ Demands for Grants

20. Which Assembly is presided over by a non-member? ------ Rajya Sabha

21. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha has ----- a vote only in case of tie

22. The Secretary General of the Lok Sabha, who is the Chief of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, is appointed by -------- Speaker

23. The Parliament of India cannot be regarded as a sovereign body because ----- (i) of the presence of certain fundamental rights of the citizens, (ii) its authority is confined to jurisdiction earmarked by the Constitution & (iii) laws passed by Parliament can be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

24. The Parliament of India exercises control over administration ---- through Parliamentary Committees

25. The speech made by a MP on the floor of House-------cannot be questioned in any Court of Law

26. The Parliament works through numerous committees, whose members are ----- Either appointed by the Speaker or elected by the House

27. This is not the function of Lok Sabha. ------ Judicial

28. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha makes use of his / her casting vote only ----- in case of tie i.e. when votes are equally divided

29. Lok Sabha Secretariat works under the direct supervision of the ---- Speaker

30. Lok Sabha passes vote on account to ---- meet the expenditure during the period between the introduction of budget and its passage

31. Which State sends the maximum number of representatives to the Rajya Sabha? ----- Uttar Pradesh

32. A half an hour discussion can be raised in the House after giving notice to the ------ Secretary General of the House

33. A MP enjoys immunity from prosecution for having said anything ------ in the Parliament and its Committees

34. The final decision whether a MP of Lok Sabha has incurred disqualification under the Defection Law rests with the ---- Speaker

35. The Parliament or State Legislature can declare a seat vacant if a member absents himself without permission from the sessions for _____ days. ----- 60

36. Who presides over the Lok Sabha if neither Speaker nor Deputy Speaker is available? ------ a member of the panel of Chairmen announced by Speaker

37. The function of the Pro-Temp Speaker is to ------ swear-in members and hold charge till a regular Speaker is elected

38. The Public Accounts Committee submits its report to the ------ Speaker

39. The Comptroller and Auditor General acts as friend, philosopher and guide of -------- Public Accounts Committee

40. Who is considered as the Custodian of the Parliament? ----- Speaker

41. A member, after being elected as Speaker of Lok Sabha, generally ------ cuts-off his connection with his party

42. What is the correct definition of the term ‘Whip’?------- State in which all the members of the political party are required to be present in the Parliament and vote according to the instructions of the party

43. Who may belong to Rajya Sabha but can speak in both the Houses? -------- Ministers who are MPs of Rajya Sabha

44. The term of the Lok Sabha can be extended by---- one year at a time

45. Which Lok Sabha enjoyed a term of more than five years? ------- 5th

46. The differences between the two Houses of Parliament are resolved through (OR) Disagreement between the two Houses of the Indian Parliament is finally resolved by which processes? ----- a joint session of the two Houses

47. The quorum or minimum number of members required to hold the meeting of either House of Parliament is ----- one-tenth

48. Which State sends the largest number of MPs to Lok Sabha after Uttar Pradesh? ----- Maharashtra

49. Under the new Committee system launched in April 1993, out of the 17 Standing Committees ----- 6 are constituted by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and 11 by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha

50. The term ‘closure’ in Parliamentary terminology ----- stoppage of debate on a motion

51. ‘No Confidence’ motion against Council of Ministers can be introduced in the ----- Lok Sabha

52. The Supreme Court of India consists of a Chief Justice and _____ Judges. ---- 30

53. Who is the first Chief Justice of India? ----- Harlal J. Kania

54. The Principles of Natural Justice do not require ------ follow instructions strictly by superior officer

55. The Supreme Court of India was set up ----- By the Constitution

56. Which is the highest Court of appeal in India? ----- Supreme Court

57. Who interprets the Indian Constitution? ----- Supreme Court

58. Which Article provides that laws laid down by Supreme Court is binding on all courts in India? --- 141

59. Which Article empowers the Supreme Court to review its own judgment? -----137

60. The Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the ------ President in consultation with the Chief Justice of India

61. The Judges of the Supreme Court hold Office till they attain the age (in years) of ----- 65

62. One of the qualifications to become the Judge of the Supreme Court is ----- In the opinion of the President, he must be a distinguished Jurist

63. The Supreme Court holds its meetings at New Delhi, but it can meet elsewhere ------ With the approval of the President

64. For criminal misconduct, the Judge of the Supreme Court ----- can be prosecuted

65. In the event of non-availability of Chief Justice of India, an Acting Chief Justice can be appointed by the ---- President

66. The Judges of the Supreme Court ----- can be removed by the President on the recommendation of the Parliament

67. The Judges of the Supreme Court can be removed on the ground of proved misbehavior by the _____ if the Parliament passes a resolution with two-third majority present and voting. ----- President

68. The Supreme Court of India is a court of record which implies that ---- (i) All its decisions have evidentiary value and cannot be questioned in any court & (ii) It has power to punish for its contempt

69. The Supreme Court tenders advice to the President on a matter of law or fact ------ only if he seeks such advice

70. The advice of the Supreme Court is ------ not binding on the President

71. All cases involving an interpretation of the Constitution fall within the -------- Original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

72. Power of the Supreme Court to decide disputes between the Center and States fall under its -------Original Jurisdiction

73. Original Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India relates to ----- Disputes between Union and States

74. The Supreme Court has Original Jurisdiction in ------ All Inter-State disputes

75. Under the Advisory Jurisdiction, the Supreme Court gives it’s opinion to the ------ President

76. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not include ------ appeals against writs

77. Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in appeal from High Court in regard to civil matters pertaining only to -------- Substantial question of law

78. Who has the power to enlarge the Jurisdiction of Supreme Court with respect to any matter contained under the Union List? ------ Parliament

79. Who has the power to increase the number of Judges of the Supreme Court? ------ Parliament

80. Ad hoc Judges can be appointed in the Supreme Court by the ------- Chief Justice of India with the prior consent of the President

81. Ad hoc Judges can be appointed to the Supreme Court -------- if requisite number of Judges are not available to hold the meeting of the Court

82. How many Judges of the Supreme Court have been removed from their Office before the expiry of their normal term through Impeachment? ------- none

83. Which conditions does not contribute to the independence of the Indian Judiciary? ------- Once appointed, the Judges cannot be removed from their Office before the date of retirement

84. Which case was connected with the Supreme Court’s judgment in 1980 that the Amendments made to Articles 31 (c) and 368 are invalid? ----- Keshavananda Bharti Case

85. In which Case did the Supreme Court restore the primacy of Fundamental Rights over Directive Principles of State Policy? ------ Minerva Mills Case

86. Any Act violating Article 13(2) of the Constitution shall be declared as Unconstitutional by -----Supreme Court

87. ‘Appeal by Special Leave’ means ----- Supreme Court, granting in its discretion special permission to appeal from any judgment passed by any Court

88. The framers of Constitution borrowed the idea of Judicial Review from Constitution of ---- USA

89. The framers of Constitution adopted the doctrine of Judicial Review ----- to ensure proper working of the federal system of the government

90. It became imperative for the framers of the Indian Constitution to adopt the doctrine of Judicial Review because of ------ Adoption of Federal system of Government

91. Which Amendment curtailed the Supreme Court/High Court’s power of Judicial Review? ---- 42nd

92. The concept of ‘Judicial Activism’ gained currency in India in ----- 1990s

93. Judicial Activism has led to increase in the powers of ----- Judiciary

94. The concept of Judicial Review is borrowed from the Constitution of ------ USA

95. In India, power of Judicial Review is restricted because ------ Constitution is supreme

96. While imparting justice, the Supreme Court relies on the principle of --- Procedure established by law

97. On which List does the Union Government enjoy exclusive powers? ----- Union List

98. On which List do the States enjoy exclusive jurisdiction? ----- State List

99. The subjects of National Importance were enumerated under ----- Union List

100. Subjects like Defence and External Affairs are enumerated under ---- List I

101. Subjects of Local Importance were enumerated under ------ List II

102. The Constitution of India vests the Residuary powers in ------- Union Government

103. Under the Constitution, Residuary Powers vested with the ----- Union Government

104. In case of conflict between the Central and State laws on a subject in Concurrent List ----- Law of the Center prevails

105. The concept of Concurrent List is borrowed from the Constitution of ------- Australia

106. At the time of accession to the Dominion, the States acceded only three subjects: ------ Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communication

107. The Constitution of India has created ------ very strong center

108. The Parliament can legislate on any subject in the state list ------- in all these cases

109. The Central Government can issue directions to the State with regard to the subjects in ---- All these Lists

110. Education is transferred from State List to Concurrent List by----  42nd Constitutional Amendment

111. A Law passed by the State Legislature on a Concurrent list gets precedence over the Central Law if ---- It was approved for the President

113. Water disputes between the States shall be decided by----- A Body appointed by Parliament

114. A tax shall not be levied or collected except by the authority of the --- Law

115. The main purpose to impose taxes is to ------ Run the machinery of State

116. The Provisions regarding division of taxes between Union and State can be suspended ---- During National Emergency

117. The procedure for amendment of the Indian Constitution is ------ partly rigid and flexible

118. The Amendment procedure of the Constitution of India has been modeled on the Constitutional pattern of ----- South Africa

119. Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with the amendment procedure? ----- 368

120. Which was the lengthiest Amendment to the Constitution? ----- 42nd

121. Which Amendment affirmed the right of the Lok Sabha to amend any part of the Constitution? ---- 24th

122. The 24th Amendment became necessary as a result of the Supreme Court judgment in ----- Golak Nath Case

123. After a Bill is passed by the Parliament it is sent to the President for his assent, who can return it for reconsideration to Lok Sabha. But if the Bill is re-passed and sent to the President for his assent, he ----- has to sign it

124. If Finance Minister fails to get Annual Budget passed in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister can ---- submit resignation of his Cabinet

125. The Comptroller and Auditor General acts as the ---- Guardian of public finances

126. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by ------ President

127. The Comptroller and Auditor General holds Office ----- for a term of six years

128. The Comptroller and Auditor General can be removed from his Office before the expiry of his term by the -------President on the recommendation of the Parliament

129. The salary and allowances of the Comptroller and Auditor General are paid out of the ------- Consolidated Fund of India

130. The salary and allowances of the Comptroller and Auditor General ----- are determined by the Parliament

131. The Comptroller and Auditor General performs ------ only audit functions

132. The Comptroller and Auditor General submits his annual report regarding the Center to the ---President

133. The Comptroller and Auditor General is intimately connected with which Committee of the Parliament? ----- Public Accounts Committee

134. The Comptroller and Auditor General presents a detailed review of Union Accounts to the Union Finance Minister every ------ twelve months

135. The Comptroller and Auditor General does not audit the accounts of ----- Municipal Bodies

136. The Comptroller and Auditor General has to submit the Audit Report of the Central and State Governments before the ----- President and Governor


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